Tuesday, July 7, 2009

June Batallion Newsletter

Commander’s Corner

June is the month that holds the first day of summer, June 21st. This is the time of year that everyone, young and old alike looks forward to. The sun is up early and sets late giving more time to enjoy all the wonderful outdoor activities that are postponed and yearned for all winter long. Warm weather brings us outdoors to enjoy activities such as grilling, swimming, and boating just to name a few. As with any activity on or off duty, safety should be a priority. Lets make sure we always put in to play good safety practices. Don’t drink and boat or drink and drive, always swim with a buddy, use sunscreen, and always hydrate yourself well during the summer heat. The next couple of months will be very busy in the 787th Military Police Battalion. We prepare for Summer Surge and many graduations of our Nation’s finest young men and women. I would like to extend to you my heartfelt thanks for all of the hard work and continued dedication to the 787th Military Police Battalion and for your excellence in training outstanding Soldiers, the Army's next Warrior Police.

If you are at a loss for a fun activity, we invite you to come out and support the 787th Military Police Battalion Softball team as we take the field and show the other Battalions’ what the 787th is made of. We look forward to seeing you and your families at the softball field and at our next FRG outing, the canoe trip. We will canoe down the beautiful Big Piney River on July 18th. We will have a cookout following the canoe trip at Happy Hollow. Please come and join us for all the fun and food even if you do not wish to canoe down the river.

Thanks again for all you do everyday to make this a great place to work.

CSM’s Corner

Praetorians, friends, supporters, and families of the Praetorian Battalion, what a way to burst into Summer. The dog days of Summer did not wait until August to hit. The excessive heat is upon us and all our Soldiers. Just as each of us suffer the extreme temperatures, so do our animals we love so much. Please take time to safeguard them as well against any heat injuries. The next few months will be filled with great outdoor activities in and around water. We need to make sure all are playing safe by using the Army safety guidelines for waters ports.

The Praetorian softball team is a force to be reckoned with. Each game brings out the warrior in the team and has to be controlled by the co-captains of CPT Ashe and CPT Kowalk. I encourage all our Soldiers and Family members to come out and participate as a player or a loyal spectator.

We’ve gotten a lot of new Praetorians in the past month. I welcome each and every one to the Ozarks and the Tri-Cities of Ft Leonard Wood, St Robert, and Waynesville. There are a myriad of things to make your time here a life-changing experience. You get to enjoy the laid-back country setting while only being a short drive to the bigger cities and the busy social life associated with it. Too often, once you settle into the area, you won’t want to leave. It is just that great of an installation.

I’d like to invite all of you to our battalion organizational activities for July. Picnics and boating trips will be available to all. Come out and see if you can dunk some of the “Top 3”. In addition to the formal events, the comradeship of just being able to unwind is worth participating.

Please take the time to visit our Family Readiness Group meetings the first Wednesday of each month at 5pm. We look forward to your input and participation in the group and the battalion. Each and every Praetorian is a valuable asset to us. Please come forward and help us celebrate our nation’s birthday with the installation celebration that is unmatched. God bless you and God bless the United States of America!

Chaplain’s Corner

The Golden Rule

©2009 SPC John Lincoln Land

The Golden Rule is to many people the basis of how they live and treat other people around them. It is sometimes referred to as the “Principle of reciprocity,” that is a principle that implies a give and take relationship between those it affects.

A direct quote of the Bible states, “And just as you want men to do to you, also do to them likewise.” (Luke 6:31 NKJV) More often than not it is simply stated, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It is at first glance quite a simple philosophy, and that it is called the “Golden Rule” makes its importance evident. In the Third Book of Exodus, called Leviticus, it is commanded, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Lev 19:18) Throughout the Bible this simple principle is expounded over and over. Love your neighbor… Treat strangers as you would treat me…

In the Army we believe in the principle of Respect. “Treat people as they should be treated.” Again, simple, straightforward. It inspires us to see an individual’s intrinsic worth and worthiness as it invites us to treat a person with (perhaps) greater respect than you may believe them to deserve. Why? Because when we give someone a greater measure of respect we hope to inspire them to live up to our expectations whereas if we treat them as a lowly screw-up then they have very little to aspire to. It is indeed a noble virtue this value, Respect.

And yet this value isn’t the sole property of the US Army, or even of Christianity. All over the world, in many faiths and cultures you will find there a “Golden Rule.”

In the Baha’i faith it is said, “And if thine eyes be turned towards justice, choose thou for thy neighbor that which thou choosest for thyself.” Thus is the principle of reciprocity a “just” principle to be followed.

In Buddhism it is said, “One who, while himself seeking happiness, oppresses with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will not attain happiness hereafter.” This is a rather poignant statement of the reciprocity concept. If you make someone else happy, you won’t be happy either.

Confucius said, “Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.” Again, a simple way to depict a profound concept.

In his Farewell Sermon, the Prophet of Islam said this: “Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you.” This is as plainly stated and as peaceful a way to convey this principle as you may find.

In the Talmud, this Jewish Scripture says, “That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn.” Here the Rule is put in perspective. That is, once you know the Golden Rule everything else follows after.

These are not the only examples which may be found of the Golden Rule, the “Principle of Reciprocity”. As stated earlier this is a principle which if not universal, is as near so as to be practically so. So conclusion let me just say this: whatever your faith, creed, or belief system… do your best to accept the differences you perceive in others and know that they are probably more like you than you might suspect.

[Sources used to produce this article include, but are not limited to WikiPedia.Org, Forscom.Army.Mil, and ScarboroMissions. Ca]


This quarter, everyone from all sections enjoyed the HHD Potluck. Individuals brought an assortment of food for all to enjoy. SFC Ernst receiving the Best of the Best Medallion for her exemplarily performance during her duties as the S3 NCOIC as well as HHD Detachment Sergeant and SSG Lee receiving a brigade coin for performance as an operations sergeant and receiving the high Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) award at Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course (BNCOC). HHD losses include, SFC Brackeen who has headed to Fort Sill, SFC Martinez who has retired, SSG Favors who has moved on to Fort Carson, SSG Lee who will PCS to Hawaii and CH Hogsten who will PCS to Germany. Gains include, MSG Pacillo who joins us from E Company, SFC Morgan who joins us from G Company, SFC Thornton who joins us from Fort Hood, SSG Cary who joins us from Fort Bragg, SGT Alvaranga who joins us from HHC 701st MP BN, and SGT Baker who joins us from Fort Campbell. Upcoming events include, Organizational Day (10 Jul 09) and Change of Command with 1LT Zilius from G Company who will replace CPT Ashe as he will be attending the Captain’s Career Course.

A Company

Currently in Blue Phase, the Alpha Gators are staying motivated as we begin FTX III. We hope to learn a lot in the field and make a swift transition to AIT phase.

The cadre are excited to begin teaching our trainees about life in the field and the basics of Soldiering. We would also like to congratulate the privates on getting 92% first time go on qualification day!

As we get closer to graduation, we would like to express that it has been a pleasure working with our new First Sergeant, 1SG Willis and we look forward to more successful cycles with him in the future. We would also like to welcome SGT Willis, SSG Bruce, and SSG Olsen, our newest Drill Sergeants, to the swamp.

“Gator Chomp!”

B Company

Greetings, as of taking command on 1 May 2009, I have sat back and watched and listened with great interest all the things B Company has accomplished. They accomplished so many things from DS and XO of the quarter to double-triple crowning and being selected as the 14th MP BDE’s best of the best company. These are all amazing results that can be directly correlated to outstanding leadership and a dedicated, never quit attitude from all the drill sergeants and cadre assigned here. I would like to also take this time to acknowledge and welcome two new additions to the Bulldog and Praetorian family, DS and Mrs. Koonce welcomed baby Tanner, and DS and Mrs. Bailey welcomed baby Abigail Helena Louise, to the family. Congratulations!

After a short break we have begun our STO-1 class for the summer and have began Red Phase. Soldiers quickly learn everything they need to be successful in the Army. This portion is fast and furious before we transition into Basic Rifle Marksmanship. We will continue setting the standard high on the band of excellence and prepare the Army for its newest members of the family.

“Bulldogs Forever”

C Company

Greetings from Charlie ROCK!! We would like to first welcome SSG Manuel Gonzalez and SSG Angel Robles to the Charlie Rock Family. SSG Gonzalez originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico just graduated Drill Sergeant School and is taking over as our Third Platoon Drill Sergeant. SSG Robles is originally from Utica, NY and just graduated Drill Sergeant School to joining the First Platoon family. Additionally, our Company Commander 1LT Charles H. Richardson was promoted to the rank of Captain on 1 Jun 09. We are currently in “Red Phase”, the first portion of Basic Combat Training. Consisting of First Aid, Land Navigation, and beginning integration into the Army. In the coming weeks we will be phasing into the second phase of training “White Phase” and moving into Basic Rifle Marksmanship. Thanks for visiting THE ROCK until next month.


D Company

The Delta Dawgs are well on our way transitioning 214 highly-motivated trainees into Warrior Policemen. Class 12-09 received over a 90% FTG on M9 qualification day.

Currently, Delta Dawgs are in the first week of gold phase. Gold Phase consists of Detainee Ops, MMSO, MOUT, TACOPS, an End of Cycle Test, a five-day FTX, and a Phase V APFT. These young, motivated Soldiers will celebrate their Rites of Passage at Memorial Grove on 8 July 09 at 0900, and graduate at Abrams Theatre on 16 July 2009 at 0800.

DS Dukes participated in a Post Joint Service Color Guard supporting the Licking Chamber of Commerce Annual Professional Rodeo.

The Pound was visited by Representative Ike Skelton who represents Missouri's 4th congressional district on 12 Jun. He was given a tour of the barracks and had numerous questions answered by our Commander and First Sergeant.

The Delta Dawgs will bid farewell to 1LT Wendell Jackson, who left us on 31 May to finish the degree completion program. We wish him the best of luck in his new endeavors. Delta Dawgs would like to hail our newest Drill Sergeant SSG James Kerney who came to us from Ft. Hood, Texas. Welcome Aboard.

“Looking for a Bone!”

E Company

The War Eagles began their STO1 Class 002-09 on Friday 12 June. These young, motivated Soldiers will complete the STO1 (BCT) portion of training on 11 August 2009 and ship back home to complete school in preparation for their STO2 (AIT) training next year. As we progress through the summer surge we will be pick up a STO2 class within a week of the STO1 and prepare for graduating fully trained Military Police Soldiers in late October.

As the year progresses we still have many things to be proud of; SFC Jester has been given the opportunity to sharpen his skills as the company 1SG prior to his departure to Fort Campbell, DS Dupree has successfully completed Drill Sergeant School and returned to us for the next two years, DS Lawrence joins us from Fort Stewart with his family, DS Orozco and his family join us from Fort Polk, and once again we welcome a new Executive Officer, 1LT Iva Aussems arriving from Camp Darby, Italy. Let’s give a warm and hearty welcome to all our new War Eagles. Alas with every hail we have the das farewells; 1SG Pacillo has left us to take care of health concerns, DS Holcomb, DS Keller, and DS Rush will be leaving us for Fort Lewis, Fort Drum, and Fort Leavenworth respectively. Please join me in extending a very gratuitous THANK YOU and GOOD LUCK for your tireless dedication and professionalism that you have provided to keep the War Eagles on the cutting edge. Thank you also to the spouses, who without, we would not be able to focus on our mission to train Soldiers.

War Eagles!

F Company

Having recently finished Basic Combat Training Foxtrot Company has received triple crown honors for two consecutive cycles, with last cycle being a triple double crown. Class 14-09 actually had a higher percentage of first time go’s in every event than the previous class during BCT. The Barbarians are cruising right along into week twelve of their training having completed 9MM qualification and tactical vehicle training. Now they move their focus to the classroom where they will fine tune their Military Police Knowledge.

The cadre of Foxtrot Company continues to stay highly motivated. Not only do they do an excellent job training soldiers, but they strive for excellence in every aspect. Foxtrot Company recently received the Blood Bank recognition from the Armed Services Blood Program. They also received an excellent rating on a TRADOC inspection that was tasked to them with short notice.

Foxtrot Company also gained two members to their team. 1LT Farmer comes on as the Executive Officer. He is an MP Reservist activated from Fort Meade, Maryland. The Barbarians also welcome DS Richardson. DS Richardson is a 21N (engineer) coming to us from Fort Lee, Virginia.

Our supply technician, Mr. Slabaugh, will be leaving us after the 4th of July Holiday Weekend. He will not be moving far though. Mr. Slabaugh will be working for CPAC right here in Fort Leonard Wood. We wish him the best of luck in his new position.

G Company

HOOAH The DRAGOONS are in the last weeks of their 11-09 Class! With the Phase Five FTX over comes the Rights Of Passage and Graduation for 184 new Military Police Soldiers! The Dragoons have increased in strength tremendously since the fall. The newest additions to the Dragoon personnel are DS Simfukwe with his wife, Stacy, and their 3 sons who hail from Fort Bragg, DS Smith with his wife, Andy, and their son also hail from Fort Bragg, DS McManama who hails from Fort Eustis, DS Reilley who hails from Fort Lewis, and SSG Johnson with his daughter and two sons who also hail from Hohenfels, Germany. The new additions are great for the Dragoons but they also signify that some of the current cast is on the way out! DS Gonzalez, DS Morgan and DS Oliphant thank you for all of your hard work you have done at here at GOLF! You will be missed! Last but not least we would like to send a Giant Dragoon Congratulation to the Fuller family, on 6 June 2009, Gracey Fuller was born! UNTIL NEXT TIME, STAY VIGILENT!

MWR Highlights

Independence Day Celebration ~ The Fort Leonard 2009 Independence Day Celebration to celebrate our nation’s 233rd birthday at Gammon Field with various games & activities for all ages! 3pm: Games, activities, concessions. 3-6pm: “The Islanders” steel drum performers. 6pm: “The Check Mate Show Band” from the 78th Army Band, Ft Dix, NJ 7pm Salute to the Union. 7:30pm: The U.S. Army Soldier Show featuring 2 FLW Soldiers—SSG Nakita Fox and SPC Julio Peterson III. 9pm: Fireworks. Free and open to the public!

Operation Rising Star ~ Come out and show your skills every Tuesday night at 6pm. Aug 4 & 11 Audie Murphy’s Community Center and Aug 18 & Aug 25 Pershing Community Center. Contestants must be Active Duty, National Guard, or Reserve from any branch of service or a family member eighteen years or older with valid military ID card. Compete to win! 1st Place: $500 (and a chance to advance to the Army Wide Finals); 2nd Place: $250; 3rd Place: $100; Spirit Award: $300 for unit/FRG. Free to enter!

Carz & Guitarz ~ Battle of the Bands on Aug 8th at the Auto Craft Shop. 2pm: Car & Motorcycle Show. 4pm: Battle of the Bands. Drawing for prizes throughout the event. Audience judging for cars & motorcycles completed by 5pm. Winners announced by 5:30pm. Register for Battle of the Bands by Aug 3rd: $20. Register car or bike: $5. Call or register online at: www.fortleonardwoodmwr.com

Piney Valley Golf Course Club Championship ~ August 15th and 16th! Are you the best golfer in the area? Join us for this 2-day event to test your skills! Breakfast will be provided each day, with a Pig Roast at the end of the second day. Carts provided. Register at Piney Valley Golf Course by August 11th. $60 per person. A $5 fee will apply after deadline.

Dance Workshops Hip-Hop & Tap Week ~ Provided by the School of Performing Arts. July 20-23rd, register by July 15th. Pre-K Hip-Hop and Tap: 3-3:50pm. K-2nd grade Tap: 4-4:50pm. K-2nd grade Hip-Hop: 5-5:50pm. 3rd grade & up Tap: 6-6:50pm. Classes will meet at Audie Murphy’s Community Center. Parent/Guardian must be present during class time. Open registration begins May 18th. Register at CYS Central Enrollment Registry 573-596-0238. Must be registered with Child, Youth, & School Services to participate.

5 on 5 Paintball Challenge ~ July 11th from 10am until completion. Cost is $20 per team. Additional date: August 15th. For more information, contact the Outdoor Adventure Center at 596-4223.

Davidson Fitness Center For information call 573-596-4359

All Night Softball Tournament ~ The Fort Leonard Wood MWR Sports, Fitness and Aquatics Department is now taking sign-ups for the 2009 All Night Softball Tournament. The registration deadline is 15 July 2009. The tournament begins on 17 July 2009 at 1800. Registration fee is $100 per team.

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