Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Military Spouses to Get Non-Compete Hiring Beginning September 11, 2009

On August 12, the final regulations on the non-competitive appointment/hiring of certain military spouses were posted in the Federal Register. The regulations will take effect on September 11, 2009.

After that date, three categories of military spouses will be eligible for non-competitive appointments to jobs with federal agencies:

* Spouses who are relocating with their service member on military orders
* Spouses of 100% disabled service members who were injured on active duty
* Unremarried widows/widowers of service members killed while performing active duty

The policy will pave the way for some spouses to potentially find jobs faster at their new location, and reduce their periods of relocation-related unemployment.

Certain spouse categories DON'T qualify for the program:

* Reserve component spouses whose service members are attending service schools or engaging in training duties
* Spouses who marry service members after PCS orders are issued
* Spouses who aren't physically relocating with the service member to the new location specified in the PCS orders
* An agency may waive the geographic limitation if no Federal agency exists in that geographic area
* Spouses married to 100% disabled service members aren't restricted to geographic parameters
* Spouses relocating in conjunction with retirement or separation orders (unless the retiring/separating member has a 100% service-connected disability)

Eligibility is limited to a maximum of two years after the date of the PCS orders, 100% disability award, or active duty death.

Jobs qualifying for the program can be found at http://www.usajobs.gov/

(Reminder: the new program doesn't take effect until September 11.)

Read more here.

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