Saturday, August 8, 2009

Updates/Notes from 5 Aug FRG Mtg

Canoe Trip AAR: Great fun, but why was attendance less than last year? What more can we do to get the word out? Current Solution: This blog The decision to work on a public blog is so that every spouse, family member, girlfriend/boyfriend, etc. can have access to know what is going on in the BN as far as activities go. LTC Fischer is going to have a traditional mailing to soldiers' spouses with a link to this blog. Hopefully this gives those who want to know what is going on the information they are looking for without having to wait for someone to contact them (or rely on their soldiers to fill them in after a long day at work)--they can jump online and be informed on any BN events. Please leave comments if you have any suggestions on how to involve more family members

Community Service to local Veteran's Home:
The BN will be partnering with the local Veteran's home to do some community service--not only to enrich the lives of the vets, but also to enrich our own lives from spending time with those who have served our country in the past. There are two upcoming events.
19 Aug: 40 soldiers from the BN will take 10-12 pies to the home for the vets to taste and judge. Assignments have been made for pies (each company will provide 2). If you have been asked to provide a pie, they need to be dropped off at the BN by 1200 on the 19th.
12 Sept: Soldiers (families are also welcome), will be taking the vets to a car show. Soldiers will push the vets in their wheel chairs so they are able to enjoy the show.

Upcoming BN Events:
4 Sept: Stress Reduction Lunch in the BN classroom from 1130-1330. Lunch is provided and families are welcome (kids will be in school by then, but those who have children who are not of school age are more than welcome).
26 Sept: Regimental Ball. More info to come.
31 Oct (tentative): 787 MP BN Fall Festival. We'll go to a pumpkin patch, pick pumpkins, have a hay ride, enjoy a petting zoo, and then head back to the BN for food, pumpkin carving contest, costume contest, and games for the kids. Check back for a firm date and information on an RSVP deadline (we need a count for the pumpkin patch).

Please leave a comment if you have suggestions, questions, or comments. Always feel free to drop an email to

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