Wednesday, November 25, 2009

INFO from Post FRG Contact Patricia Mulhall

General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital will reduce its operations Nov. 26 and 27 to celebrate Thanksgiving.

All outpatient clinics and pharmacies, including the PX Branch Pharmacy, will be closed for patient visits Nov. 26 and 27. All hospital operations resume normal hours Nov. 30.

While the main hospital reduces operations, the emergency room will be fully operational to manage emergency situations. The ER telephone number is (573) 596-0456. Chronic conditions or routine follow-up evaluations should be made through the GLWACH appointment system at 1-866-299-4234.

The Consolidated Troop Medical Clinic will be closed for patient visits Nov. 26. It will resume regular hours Nov. 27. Soldiers needing emergency medical care during this time should visit the emergency room.

Questions during this period should be directed to the GLWACH Staff Duty Officer at (573) 596-1784/1787 or to the emergency room staff.

Thank you and have a great day.


Carl Norman

General Leonard Wood

Army Community Hospital

Public Affairs Officer

(573) 596-0131, ext 6-9632

"Making a Difference...One Patient at a Time."

The Army is introducing a new way for Families and friends to communicate with their loved ones who are deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF).

Beginning 1 December 2009 the Army will launch "HooahMail" as a pilot program for fast, easy, secure, letter-style correspondence to OEF deployed Soldiers. Based on a proven system used by the Marine Corps since 2003, HooahMail brings another method to keep in touch with military members in Afghanistan. From Stateside, HooahMail offers a computer based process which will generate a printed, sealed, letter-style document for direct delivery to forward operating bases throughout the OEF area of operations. This one-way system will allow secure download capabilities at selected OEF remote sites. These letters will then be printed on special equipment which will print, fold, seal and address the envelope for free delivery to OEF Soldiers. HooahMail will be distributed just like regular mail through unit mail-rooms. At sites which don't get daily postal mail service, HooahMail will offer a free, convenient way to communicate. This method could reduce delivery time in some cases from 14+ days to remote locations to same/next day service, with an average 4 days to all other locations in Afghanistan. HooahMail will augment traditional postal letter mail service.

Funded by Department of the Army, and supported by the current postal command structure, HooahMail offers a new and exciting way to strengthen communications to our OEF Soldiers. For more information about HooahMail visit their website at For your convenience we have posted the attached flyer in the Download Center under HooahMail on .

BOSS members,

As the Holiday season approaches we have very little "fun stuff" on our schedule, and after speaking to SSgt Peterson and Lora Lee this morning we have come up with a couple ideas. I know that a lot of us are traveling for X-mas, but for those of us that are staying behind we are thinking about sponsoring a ski/snowboard package to Hidden Valley. This would continue at least one a month until the season is over. This event is still under consideration but I wanted to get some feedback to see if anyone would be interested in this.

If there are any other ideas on ways to spend all that cash we have, please shoot me an email and me and SSgt Peterson can do some research on how much it would cost BOSS, and so on and we can bring it up at the next meeting.


SSgt McDonald, Jessie, C.



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