Monday, November 9, 2009

Note from 4 Nov FRG Mtg

11 November is Veterans Day. MAJ Hubbard motioned that we use some of our money to buy 2 Wii Bowling Balls for the Vet's home in St. James. Everyone agreed that would be appropriate.

15 November: NFL Game. Saints vs Rams. Tickets should be here soon for those who requested them and will be distributed.

  • At 0500 soldiers will have a Thanksgiving run. Family members are welcome to cheer on or participate if desired.
  • If you will be here for Thanksgiving, family members are invited to eat in the DFAC. It will be $8.25 per person for the meal.
  • If you are interested in serving the Vets in St. James that day, contact MAJ Hubbard ( or 573.596.0131 ext 6-6942).
Gift Wrapping Fundraiser: We have received our dates for gift wrapping at the PX. At each shift we need four adults. No children please. If you are interested in helping out, please contact MAJ Hubbard ( or 573.596.0131 ext 6-6942). The time slots are as follows:
  • December 7 1100-1400
  • December 9 1400-1700
  • December 18 1700-2000
Christmas party with Santa: Date TBD. Each year we have to wait until dates are known for other installation parties before we can schedule our own. Stay tuned.

Ski Trip: January 18 (MLK Day--it is a Monday). This will be at Hidden Valley in Eureka, MO. Stay tuned for more details.

Dining Boat: In March, we will be having an event for soldiers and their spouses/significant others. It will be a dinner cruise at the Lake of the Ozarks. Currently, the venue holds 95 people. However, if there is a greater interest we will look for a larger venue. Cost is TBD. Also, there will be an option to stay at a hotel room at the Lake for around $70 for the night so individuals are not concerned with traveling home that night. Please leave a comment on this post or send an email to or to MAJ Hubbard ( if you are interested.

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